Wednesday, February 3

Not-So-Current Event

So I've been wanting to blog about the whole Tim and Pam Tebow Super Bowl ad, but I haven't really known how to word my post. However, read this column from the WASHINGTON POST! That's's not beliefnet or the Focus on the Family's the Washington Post...not exactly a bastion of conservatism.

A couple of quotes from this article echo my own feelings and why I get so enraged at enraged they make me embarrassed to be a woman sometimes.

"They aren't actually 'pro-choice' so much as they are pro-abortion." Exactly!

"Apparently NOW feels this commercial is an inappropriate message for America to see for 30 seconds, but women in bikinis selling beer is the right one." That's been my beef throughout this whole thing. You're just now getting upset about a woman involved with the Super Bowl? What, you think the cheerleaders on the sidelines are a good role model for your daughter, but a woman who exercised her RIGHT TO CHOOSE and chose life is not? Argh!

Oh, and sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll just leave it at this...I hate January. It's a long, cold, miserable month. If I were a responsible, financially-savvy adult I would anticipate this and plan a vacation to Cancun the third week of January every year, but I don't really see that happening until I have a 4 at the beginning of my age and probably not even then.

Expect to hear from me more as the weather improves and the days get longer.

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