Thursday, January 31

Yay for Paige!

We don't even have TLC anymore, but if you used to be a fan of Trading Spaces you'll be happy to know that Paige Davis is back! The show was never the same after she left and they started messing around with it, but now she's back and it's closer to the way it used to be!

This is really cool

Click here to see Biblical events portrayed using Google earth. Cool.

Monday, January 28

One Last Thing

If any of my readers are Jane Austen fans you may already be aware of this, but some of you may not.

PBS is in the middle of a 10-week celebration of Jane Austen. Every Sunday night (last night was the third) for ten weeks they're showing movies of the complete works of Jane Austen as well as a new biographical movie of her life. They've already shown Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park. Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were very good. Mansfield Park, not so much. Anyway, set your VCRs because the next four weeks should be the best. Next week is the biopic of her life, and the next 3 weeks after that will be the original BBC version of Pride & Prejudice with the delightful, pond-diving Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

I should also warn that these are not the commercialized movies you may have already seen. Some of them are new, and all of them are put out by the BBC. Emma, for example, stars the lovely Kate Beckinsale, years before she was a nurse stationed at Pearl Harbor.


For those wondering why we weren't at church last night, we went to the circus. We got tickets for David's company's suite at the last minute. It was really fun. I can't believe some of the talented people that are in the circus. It's really unbelievable. I also can't believe the way they travel from town to town like that. How strange that must be!


Finally, a new post.

Well, I'm taking another batch of clothes to the consignment shop this week. I kind of hate to see them go. Here's the deal.

A little over a year ago I began being sick to my stomach all the time. I had no appetite, and when I did make myself eat something, it just came right back up. Well, this went on for about 3 months. I wasn't pregnant; there was nothing wrong with me physically. I was just fretting and worrying myself into being sick. I ended up losing about 45-50 pounds. This was really a good thing, but the problem was that I had this great wardrobe of clothes that I really liked. However, they were sizes 16 or 18, and I am now a size 8, 6 on a good day. I know, I know, why am I complaining? Because I had resigned myself that I was going to be a certain size for the rest of my life, and I had built up a closet full of clothes in those sizes. Now, I love clothes. I don't get to go shopping as much as I would like, but I love quality clothes. I get sentimental about them. I remember what I did when I was wearing them. I connect them to good things or bad things. It's very strange and unhealthy, I'm sure. So, everytime I take a group of clothes to the consignment shop I hate to see them go. Like the gorgeous red wool Ann Taylor skirt that I only got to wear for one winter that I found for 50% off. Or the beautiful cream-colored suit that I wore for Easter year before last.

Anyway, there's my strange, twisted thoughts on getting rid of my "big" clothes.

Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, January 22

Rest Peacefully, Little One

I don't know if any of my readers listen to the Rick & Bubba show in the mornings (1510AM 6-8 AM), but Rick's youngest son, Bronner, passed away this past weekend in a drowning accident at their home. A big part of the show is the guys telling stories about their many children, and Rick never shied away from telling stories about "Cornbread" and all his 2-year-old antics.

Please pray for this family and especially Bronner's mother, Sherri. Rick was out of town and Bronner and his two brothers were under Sherri's care when it happened. I can't begin to fathom the grief she especially must be feeling. Please pray against the dark one who would use this as a tool to tear this family apart.

Saturday, January 19


The first time I remember seeing a clown was when I was at Sunday School at the church in West Nashville. That had to be before I was 4 years old because that's when we started coming to TPOM.

Well, I got scared then, and I still don't care for clowns. They're creepy, they don't talk, they have strange makeup and clothes on, and they're just...creepy.

Finally I don't feel like an idiot. It turns out I'm not the only person scared of clowns. Read this.

Now, if they'll just do a study about puppets...


For those who wanted to know...yes, I did wear the leather skirt on Wednesday. I didn't feel as self-counscious as I thought I would once I put the whole ensemble on. I don't have a picture, but I wore it with a red sweater with a white blouse underneath and the shirt tails hanging out and a pair of leather boots. It was a pretty cute outfit I have to say!

Wednesday, January 16

*Does a happy clap and jumps up and down*

How excited am I about this?! Finally, Disney is making an animated feature out of my second favorite fairy tale! and with Kristin Chenoweth! Yay!

Now, if they'll just tackle "The Princess and the Pea" my 6-year-old heart will be satisfied.


I want to wear a leather skirt today, but I'm not sure if I have the guts. It comes to the bottom of my knee and is a very simple a-line style, but I'm not sure I can pull it off. Carla let me borrow it, and I was very excited about wearing it, but now I'm not so sure. We'll see how the day goes.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.

I'm working freelance tonight at UMPH, so I won't be at church. Don't worry. I'm not backslidden.

Oh, yeah, American Idol? Comments? Anyone?

Friday, January 11


Well, I've almost made it through a full 5-day week at my new job, and I'm worn completely out. I really think I'm going to like it. I'm very busy, which is good. It makes the days go by fast. They have a very strict 8:30-5:30 workday though, which I'm not used to. I feel like almost all I do is work and sleep, and that's not really worth blogging about.

Here's one thing from the past few days. Last Friday night David made me a wonderful dinner to celebrate. When I got home from work he had the dining room table set with flowers and candles and there was a fire in the fireplace. We had steaks, baked potatoes, and he even got some Ben & Jerry's ice cream for dessert. It was delish!

This weekend should be pretty quiet. Our Music ministry commitment service is tomorrow morning, but other than that I don't really have much going on.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Thursday, January 10

I'm still alive

I'm finally blogging again. Let's just say the new job is taking quite a bit of getting used to, and I've not really felt like doing anything in the evenings except laying around. I really miss blogging, though, and I promise to try to do better in the future. I've got to go get ready for work now, but I'm really going to try to post again tonight or tomorrow. I need to update my profile, too.

So, to my faithful readers, "I shall return."