Monday, June 30

Sermon on the Mound


Another workshop is over. Yesterday the kids performed Sermon on the Mound in the morning and evening services, and it was fantastic!

Tuesday, June 24

Welcome, Lucy!

Say hello to the newest member of our little family!

No lemon seeds

I don't blog on here much just about my husband, but let me share one of his quirks. He loves to drink sweet tea, and he loves lemon in his tea, but he despises sucking lemon seeds up into his straw. Whenever he gets tea he has to take out the lemon wedges and dig all the seeds out of the lemon before he squeezes it into his tea. Normally, when the lemon is on the edge of the glass it doesn't matter, but on Saturday we ate lunch at McAlister's, and they put the lemon in the glass before they fill it with sweet tea, so he had to fish it out. It was quite a sight.

This is just one of the many quirks that makes him him, and I love him so much for stuff like this that provide me with many head-shaking, smiling moments!

Friday, June 20

Update coming soon...

I'll have something new on here in the next day or so.

Tuesday, June 10

My strange and creepy mind

This morning I was driving into work very, very early. Seriously, it was around 4:45. No one was on the streets. It was very peaceful, and the sky was just beginning to lighten. Okay, that sets the scene for you.

Murfreesboro has recently installed traffic cameras at several major intersections to catch people running red lights. It's been a topic for months now that they were going to be put up, and so I've been trying to get better about speeding through yellow lights, so I don't get a ticket. Well, this morning I came up to an intersection where one was. I stopped because the light was red, but I was overcome with this almost uncontrollable urge to roll on through the red light just to see what would happen. No one was around, and it would have been safe, so I just wanted to see what would happen. Would a flash go off? Would I know I'd been caught?

Why do some humans get these ridiculous, harmful urges? Am I the only one? I get gross ones,, "I wonder what would happen if that pencil went in my eye" or "I wonder what it would feel like if I just cut one of my toes off."

Maybe I'm insane, but there's a little musing for your day!

Finally...some video

AbiLyn got quite a running start into the pool!

Saturday, June 7

My Unusual Saturday

It's not even noon on Saturday, and I have already done the following things:
  • been woken up by my husband prior to 7:00 (a cardinal offense on Saturday)
  • packed a picnic lunch
  • been fishing on the banks of the Stones River
  • ate a picnic lunch and dozed/read on the banks of the Stones River
  • been to Martin's (nursery)

    I can't believe this has been my day, but you know what? It's been wonderful so far! I hate getting up early on Saturdays, but once I've gotten up I'm always so happy that I have an entire day for playing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go check David for ticks...seriously.

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Wednesday, June 4

    Belated Memorial Day Report!

    It's almost two weeks late, but here's some pictures and stories from the Memorial Day Weekend Extravaganza.

    Like last year, we kicked things off with a family reunion of my Mom's family, the Yorks. It took place at my Mom's sister's house near Fayetteville. They live on, well, a farm really. There house is a big log house with a wraparound porch and they have goats and horses. It's really beautiful there.

    Here's AbiLyn and I before we headed out. The boys (David, Eric, and Brian) skipped the reunion and hung out at Liz and Eric's while we three girls and the kids went to Fayetteville.

    We were almost to Fayetteville when the curvy highway got to AbiLyn. Unfortunately, she got sick all over her pretty pink sundress, but it was all okay. We were all quite a sight in the parking lot of the Fayetteville Co-op while she put on her bathing suit, so when she got to Aunt Kathy's she was all ready to play in the pool while her dress got washed and dried.

    Here's Granny June and me on the porch.

    AbiLyn had a lot of fun playing with her cousins, Savanah and Rusty.

    AbiLyn was beside herself to pet the goats.

    Here are my two aunts with the baby goat!

    Lex was quite the hit of the get-together. He got a little tired of being passed around, though, and wanted to hang out in his walker for a bit.

    So, we got back from Fayetteville and David, AbiLyn, and I headed to the Normandy house. We took AbiLyn while Eric and Liz had a quiet weekend at home with Lex. Dad has decided that he wants to become a master pancake maker, so he bought a griddle and started perfecting his technique with mom's from-scratch pancake recipe (honestly, I've never seen the woman with a box of Bisquick in her hand!) He's getting pretty good. We had pancakes both mornings we were there!

    AbiLyn got her very own fishing pole. Her cast is getting pretty good even though she hasn't caught anything yet. Uncle David was really sweet about helping her out.

    It was all great fun!

    Monday, June 2

    Seven years ago...

    Today is mine and David's anniversary. Seven years ago today I was married to the sweetest, kindest man I've ever known who is at this moment snoozing away in bed because he took the day off. I, however, am dressed and ready for work. We're going to celebrate this coming weekend, but I thought I'd acknowledge it here today!

    I love you, David!