Wednesday, February 25

Funny David Anecdote

I don't normally post much about David because, to be honest, this blog is about me...LOL, but here's a funny anecdote that happened today.

We were standing in the kitchen, fixing supper, and having our normal end of the day chat. We were fixing tuna and David was commenting about a co-worker who's not eating meat for Lent. So we talked for a minute about today being Ash Wednesday. Well, we move on and I'm telling him some other story, and like 5 minutes later he slaps his hand on the counter and says, "That's what that was." He had seen VP Joe Biden on some news footage today with ashes on his forehead and David thought it was a bruise. He had even googled Joe Biden forehead to find out if he had fallen down or something. I got so tickled at him. He was so glad to find out what that mark was. It had been driving him crazy...of course some would say that's a pretty short trip, but anyway. I love him!

Saturday, February 21

What I've Been Doing

Sorry there've been no posts all week. I'm all in a tizzy. There are things around our house that we haven't been able to take care of for a while, and I've been preoccupied with those things all week. Mainly because I'm having David's family night on Tuesday and a little get-together on Friday night, SO the house has got to be whipped into shape. I'll probably post some photos later on in the weekend of all the improvements. The main thing that has to happen is cleaning, and I'm about to get started on that NOW...Get ready, get set....GO!

Friday, February 13


I hope everyone is already enjoying their Valentine's weekend! David and I just got home from dinner. Tomorrow probably won't be too romantic, as he is working, and I'm going to spend the day doing likewise for UMPH (from home, though). We're celebrating on Sunday by watching the race together and eating a heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's.

Thursday, February 12

Valentine's Treats

I made cupcakes to take to work tomorrow. They're red velvet with cream cheese frosting. They're rather pretty, if I do say so. Here's the recipe I used.

Tuesday, February 10

Happy Birthday, Momma!

Today is my beautiful mother's birthday! I love you, mom!

Sunday, February 8

Things I'm Loving This Weekend

- That I've had the windows open almost all weekend, and I got to wear flip-flops, which leads to the second thing...

- Men's 100% cotton v-neck undershirts...thanks for the tip, Liz!

- Otto's Car Wash near the intersection of Northfield and Hwy 96...seriously it's like a girl's car wash. It's one of the coolest places I've ever been.

- I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

- Blackberry Yoplait Lite yogurt

- This Predators commercial...stick with it til the end

Friday, February 6

Beautiful Friday!

It was the most gorgeous day today. Like a wonderful little break from winter. I went out and ran errands at lunch and hated to go back into work!

Oh, and I stopped at Julia's on my lunch. Here's another plug for a delicious local business. They even have mini pies. I had a fudge one today.

Wednesday, February 4

Deliciousness and the flurry of birthdays

Okay, I just had the best food day ever. For lunch my family met at Goodness Gracious here in Murfreesboro, and I had the gourmet grilled cheese! Fabulous as always. You should definitely try this restaurant if you haven't yet.

For supper, the Johnsons all went to Demos' for Mackenzie's birthday. She's of my flower girls is 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was Chassidy's birthday, and Friday night our little group is going to Chili's to celebrate.

My mom's birthday is next Tuesday, and we're all going to Carrabba's.


Sunday, February 1

"Do, a deer, a female deer"

Last night I went to my mom's to watch The Sound of Music with her. It was wonderful as always. I was reminded of how integral this movie was to my childhood. My sisters and I liked watching musicals, and my mother always encouraged this and usually watched them with us. We loved My Fair Lady, The King and I, West Side Story, and Oklahoma among others, but nothing was like The Sound of Music. I felt like a kid again last night, remembering competing to see who would be the first to spot the tiny speck that was Maria confidently twirling through a green meadow and belting into song. I also realized I never lost that desire to spin around in a pink frothy dress in a beautiful glass gazebo, nor as a child did I realize how devastatingly handsome Christopher Plummer was as the dashing, severe, Captain Von Trapp. I'll definitely have to give it one more viewing before it goes back to Blockbuster!