Thursday, January 29

Guilty Pleasures

Why do I let myself feel so bad about my guilty pleasures? To be fair, they're nothing really bad, like sinful or anything, but I feel like I'm some sort of lesser human because I enjoy things like Velveeta. So, here are a few:

- The aforementioned Velveeta
- High School Musical movies
- Hannah Montana and Suite Life of Zack and Cody on Saturday mornings
- Captain D's fish
- Popping zits (my own)
- Peeling nail polish off my fingernails
- Red Kool-Aid (yes, red is a flavor)
- Seeing someone else get a ticket

There it is. I realize as I peruse back over this list that I may need to just grow up a bit. Oh, well, maybe one day.

Please comment and share your own...if you dare!

Sunday, January 25

Time to Come out of Our Shell

David and I have basically been in a mode of staying tight in our house, not communicating with the outside, not doing anything but working and coming home. It's like we've been hunkered down riding out the very end of this storm, but I promise I'm going to get better.

It's all water under the bridge, and it's time to get over it and start living again.

Sunday, January 18

Wednesday is the Big Day

David goes back to work at 11:00 on Wednesday morning! Whoopee!

Thursday, January 15

Fabulous Thursday Update!!!!!

David's strike is over! He's going back to work.

Even though this night is freezing and my toes are heart is warm when I think back on all the prayers and support of our friends and family these past few months. I can never thank you all enough.

Now, I've got to stop dancing around the house with Lucy, hunker down in bed, and sleep the best sleep I've had in months!

Much love and stay warm!

Wednesday, January 14

Wednesday Evening Update

David's union votes on a new contract tomorrow night at 7:00. This could all possibly be over in a little more than 24 hours, and David could be back to work next week.

Wednesday Update

In the middle of the night last night negotiations concluded between Vought and the union. Details of the contract proposal will be released today, and the union will hopefully vote on Saturday.

Yay and whew!

Tuesday, January 13

Tuesday update

Really, quickly, because I need to start supper...

Vought and the union negotiators met today...they are still meeting actually. David is on his way home from the monthly union meeting, and the reports are promising. Everyone is ready to go back to work.

If they can reach an agreement, they'll vote on Saturday. Please pray about this and also for the poor guys/gals walking the picket line this very cold week for what we hope is the last time.

Thanks for all the prayers!

Ooh, and, we started our fourth jigsaw puzzle since David's been on strike last night. We now have three completed puzzles hanging on our office wall. The fourth will be up there soon, and I'll post pics.

Sunday, January 11

Farewell, MySpace

In case any of my readers are also friends on MySpace...I'm cancelling my account and moving to Facebook. Please look for me there if you are on Facebook, too!

Tuesday, January 6

Book Note

I just finished Three Cups of Tea. This book was VERY good. I don't usually note when I've finished a book, but I highly recommend this one.

Refreshing Start to the New Year

Here's how I spent my New Year...

I went to the lake with family. David was walking the picket line from midnight to 4, so it was our first New Year's to not ring in the New Year with a kiss since we've been together. Pretty sad, but I did something on New Year's Day that totally yanked me out of my doldrums.

Me, Dad, Liz, and Brian went down to the lake and did a Polar Bear Plunge. Basically, this is where you run or jump into freezing cold water on the first day of the year. It's supposed to symbolize an energized new start to the year I guess. What it symbolized to me was panic...I totally panicked. I almost started crying when I was neck deep in water. I managed to make it out and everything was fine. Everyone else did it AGAIN, so I could document it with pictures. I won't subject you to those photos, but trust me they're priceless.