Tuesday, January 13

Tuesday update

Really, quickly, because I need to start supper...

Vought and the union negotiators met today...they are still meeting actually. David is on his way home from the monthly union meeting, and the reports are promising. Everyone is ready to go back to work.

If they can reach an agreement, they'll vote on Saturday. Please pray about this and also for the poor guys/gals walking the picket line this very cold week for what we hope is the last time.

Thanks for all the prayers!

Ooh, and, we started our fourth jigsaw puzzle since David's been on strike last night. We now have three completed puzzles hanging on our office wall. The fourth will be up there soon, and I'll post pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's a cool way to spend some quality time with each other - building jigsaw puzzles. I love it. We'll be praying things go well for David's job. You're right, it's going to be a very cold week.