Thursday, September 25

What the...?

I was listening to Christmas songs on iTunes tonight (Stay tuned for news of a really cool project.), and I realized I was totally digging it. Today I was in Old Time Pottery dropping off a job application, and I found myself dreamily wandering through the aisles of Christmas decor.

Could it be that my Christmas spirit is making a premature return? It's been pretty much dormant for the past two Christmases, but it needs to hold off just a tad. If I start this stuff now I'll be sick of it by, Thanksgiving.

But, I could go downstairs and watch White Christmas. Hmmm. Do we have any cocoa?

Tuesday, September 23

Glimpse into our Life

David opening a new bottle of medication Sunday night:

"Why do they put cotton in a bottle of medicine for emotionally disturbed people?"

He was frustrated trying to get to his prescription, and there was quite a bit of cotton jammed down into the bottle, but at least he could laugh about it.

Monday, September 22

No luck

I heard back from last week's interview. They picked someone else. Oh, well...keep on keeping on. Not going to give up.

Saturday, September 20

Another thing done

This print has been leaning up against the wall in our office for months. I painted and distressed the frame and, with David's help, hung it in my bathroom.

I tried to do some research about this print, but I couldn't find any information online. All I know is it hung in my house most of my growing-up years, and I have always loved it.

Friday, September 19

Another Day

Good Morning! For someone without a full-time job, I certainly have been very busy. Tuesday I had the interview. Wednesday I worked at the Methodist Publishing House. Thursday the same. Today I'm finishing cleaning my house, going to
Wal-Mart, and babysitting Lex. I'm glad I don't have to get on the bus and go into Nashville today (unless I get a call about a second interview, then all this will change).

My interview went really well on Tuesday. I'm just waiting to hear back because they were interviewing some other people as well. I left a voice mail yesterday, so maybe today I'll hear something!

Tuesday, September 16

Big Day

I want to say huge thanks to everyone for being so supportive both on my blog and on myspace. It's really been nice to know people are thinking of me.

So, keep those prayers and good thoughts going because...I have an interview this morning. At 10:00.

Off to iron my blouse, fix my hair, and in general, look presentable for the first time in about 5 days.

The morning on which I feel guilty

Last night I had to shoo Lucy out of our room and close the door. It was only 1:30, and she kept getting on our bed. We don't mind if she sleeps up there, but she was sitting ON DAVID'S BELLY and bathing and scratching and jingling her little bell on her collar. It was driving me crazy. She moved, and then just started doing it again...and again...and again. I kicked her out, but I feel sort of guilty.

Oh, I had had lots of things I wanted to blog about, so I just did them on Sunday. In case people were wondering if I was bored. Not really...I just finally had the time.

Monday, September 15

Pet Peeve

Football season has begun, and that's not actually the pet peeve. Football games in the background make for excellent napping.

It's the long hair hanging out the back of helmets. I want so badly to see another player pull it. I can't believe the coaches are okay with it.

Big Project Accomplished

So, you know that room in your house? I know you have one. Room or closet or something that becomes the catch-all room. Ours was our office. It was the office/computer/craft/gift-wrapping/ironing/storage room, and I hated stepping foot in there. Stressful moments have been spent in there, and it was full of unfinished projects that just mocked me. Things I needed to recycle laughed at me when I opened the door. Piles of undone ironing bared their dripping fangs. You get the idea. Well, yesterday I conquered! I cut deep and got rid of a lot of stuff that, if I was honest with myself, I was never going to need or use.



Looking at the pictures just now I realize maybe it doesn't look that different, but I actually carried two big bags of garbage downstairs. I also cleared some areas that drive me crazy when they're cluttered: the filing cabinet, the floor under and around the computer desk, and the work table. I threw away a bunch of stuff I could have recycled, but for the sake of my sanity I just bit my lip and threw it away. Sorry, landfill!


Cool Thing

I love holiday activities: dyeing eggs at Easter, picking out and decorating a Christmas tree, making Christmas cookies, watching fireworks, carving pumpkins, etc.

However, carving pumpkins is probably the most work. Digging out all the stuff and guts is disgusting and takes forever!

Well, look what good friend Amy discovered! They're Funkins! They're made out of some sort of foam, and they're hollow. You carve them just like real pumpkins but without all the pumpkin snot.

You can't use a candle. They sell special lights for them. You also have to weight them down if you set them on your porch. You can buy them at Hobby Lobby.


So, you know when you're dating someone for a while, you have an anniversary. Well, if you marry that person...that old anniversary sort of disappears for some reason. I wonder why. Maybe it's because I have a ridiculous memory, but I always remember mine and David's original anniversary and this year it's extra-special.

Yesterday, David and I had been together for a decade!

September 14, 1998 we became official, started going steady, were exclusive...whatever you call it.


I love you, baby!

Happy Birthday, Lex!

I totally missed wishing my handsome nephew a happy birthday here! He turned one on September 6. His birthday party was Saturday night, and here are some pics! The party was at a local park, so momma had to get creative with cleanup! He was loving it though. Can't forget about big sister!
Here's the big happy birthday moment! He totally didn't know what to think about that cake!

Saturday, September 13

Everything's Fine

I'm going to be fine. The shock is beginning to wear off, and I am starting to feel a little more positive about the current situation.

Friday, September 12

Doors closing and windows opening and all that crap

I had a first yesterday.

I got fired.

Much love and prayers needed.