Monday, September 15

Big Project Accomplished

So, you know that room in your house? I know you have one. Room or closet or something that becomes the catch-all room. Ours was our office. It was the office/computer/craft/gift-wrapping/ironing/storage room, and I hated stepping foot in there. Stressful moments have been spent in there, and it was full of unfinished projects that just mocked me. Things I needed to recycle laughed at me when I opened the door. Piles of undone ironing bared their dripping fangs. You get the idea. Well, yesterday I conquered! I cut deep and got rid of a lot of stuff that, if I was honest with myself, I was never going to need or use.



Looking at the pictures just now I realize maybe it doesn't look that different, but I actually carried two big bags of garbage downstairs. I also cleared some areas that drive me crazy when they're cluttered: the filing cabinet, the floor under and around the computer desk, and the work table. I threw away a bunch of stuff I could have recycled, but for the sake of my sanity I just bit my lip and threw it away. Sorry, landfill!



Regina said...

OK are you bored or just glad to have some free time on your hands? Cleaning out a room and what 4 or 5 posts all in one weekend.

Anonymous said...

Looks great to me - want to come on over and prod me in the right direction? - I still have boxes in every room of the house that need unpacking :( - can't accomplish alot between bottles and diapers - oh well this too shall pass - someday I am enough of a sap that I'll cry thinking about these crazy times!!!

Amy said...

Congrats! It looks great!