Monday, July 30


Well, I just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I actually needed a kleenex. I'm sad the series is finished, but it all ended very satisfyingly and neatly. No complaints here!

Next up for my summer of fun reading...the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Tuesday, July 24

Rediscovering an old favorite

I recently encountered a TV channel in my area that shows reruns of the sitcom Designing Women. I forgot how much I love this show!

Friday, July 20

There's No Place Like Home

"To us, our house was not unsentient matter - it had a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with, and approvals and solicitudes and deep sympathies; it was of us, and we were in its confidence, and lived in its grace and in the peace of its benediction. We never came home from an absence that its face did not light up and speak out its eloquent welcome - and we could not enter it unmoved."
Mark Twain, 1896

Congratulations, Carla and Brian, on your first house! May it be a truly happy home!


In case you didn't notice, the ticker on my page is now down to hours, not days!!!!!!! That's right! Tonight at midnight the new and final installment in the Harry Potter series will be released. I'm so excited!

Kudos to I pre-ordered my copy months ago and selected the Super-Saver Shipping option (I'm such a cheapskate when it comes to shipping). They've been hassling me for days to upgrade my shipping, so I would have it on the release date, which is July 21. However, I got an e-mail last night that it had been shipped, on the 19th. Who knows maybe I'll have it sooner than I thought.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, July 18

Pickin' and Grinnin'

This past Saturday I went to one of the biggest events of the year in Murfreesboro...Uncle Dave Macon Days. Uncle Dave Macon lived outside Murfreesboro in the community of Kittrell.

From Wikipedia:
Every July the town of Murfreesboro, Tennessee celebrates Uncle Dave Macon Days. This celebration hosts the national competitions for old time clogging, buckdancing, fiddling, and old time singing. In 2007 they will be celebrating their 30th year of the festival. It was named in honor of Uncle Dave Macon and his work to keep old time music and dancing in front of the world.

Anyway, I like to go for the food and the booths of people selling things. I went with my family, including Grandaddy and Mom Glenda, Carla and Brian, and the Drokes. It was really fun (but hot), and here are some pictures.

Also, for all of AbiLyn's adoring fans, here is video of her in a bouncy-thing. I love that you can hear her giggle at the end even though the generator was really loud.

Friday, July 13

Bend it like who?

I think this is the first sports-related post in the history of Meddlesome Musings, but here goes!

In case you didn't know, David Beckham, probably the most famous athlete in the world, is moving to L.A. and has signed with L.A.'s MLS team the Galaxy. Will his arrival in America change our stubborn attitude about soccer? Click here.

Also, here's a commercial airing on ESPN...pretty funny. If you can't get it to play, click anywhere on the image and it will take you directly to YouTube, and you should be able to watch it there.

Thursday, July 12

Don't read if feet gross you out!

When I was small my dad worked in a shoe store on the square in Murfreesboro. They sold very nice shoes, and it was the kind of place where they measured your foot for you and the salespeople would actually put the shoes on your feet. A far cry from the way I buy most of my shoes now...digging through boxes at Off Broadway or hopping like a flamingo in the aisles of Marti and Liz. Anyway, because of his shoe expertise, Dad was always concerned that my sisters and I had quality shoes that fit, no matter how much we protested. When the jelly shoe craze hit the first time...none for us. We were wearing Buster Brown sandals, thankyouverymuch. Well, I love shoes, and sometimes make shoe decisions that my dad heartily disapproves of. Well, Dad, I think I learned my lesson, at least for the next few days.

Yesterday I wore my adorable red peep toe flats. The day before that I wore these amazing linen espadrilles. Both bad for my feet because they tend to rub blisters on the back of my heel. Today I made what I thought was a sensible shoe pumps with a modest heel (2" at the most). What I didn't realize was that they would rub the blisters that have formed over the past two days. I was walking, well practically limping to the restroom a minute ago, and thought I felt one of the blisters pop. No, it wasn't blister goo in my was BLOOD...seriously, I had to wipe off my heel with a paper towel! So, now the back of my left heel has a huge band aid on it because my heel looks like ground beef. Eew! But, it feels so much better with a band-aid on it.

Tomorrow I'll definitely be in my sensible, earthy Birkenstocks...yay!

"Oh, what a beautiful mornin'..."

It's an absolutely gorgeous day in Murfreesboro/Nashville today! I was walking into work from my car, and it just hit me slap in the face. The sky is a piercing know the kind that you almost can't look at because it makes your eyes hurt? The temperature is warm, but not too humid, so the sun actually feels good. I would LOVE to be outside doing anything today besides work! Just thought I'd share! I hope it's a beautiful day wherever you all are!

Monday, July 9

66 Unread E-mails!

That's right. I'm back at work today after a week of vacation, and I had 66 new e-mails in my inbox! Oh, well, better start weeding through them.

Saturday, July 7

Fourth of July

I didn't get very many pictures on Wednesday, but we had a wonderful time. Scott and Margee Lee (my aunt and uncle but they don't like to be called that) and their boys, Asa and Rus, came for the day. Oh, and Granny June and Papa came too. We played in the water and on the boat all day, ate homemade ice cream, grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, and watched fireworks from across the lake at the end of the day! Here are a couple of pictures.

Survivor Babylon

In my opinion, the coolest thing we do at TPOM (my church) is the Summer Musical Workshop. It's like Vacation Bible School, but the kids learn a musical and perform it on Sunday. The musical is the theme of the week. The Bible stories, snacks, and crafts all tie in to the musical story. This year was the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Here are some pictures of the performance.

Moving Day...and Night...and Next Day!

Here are some pictures of the moving extravaganza with the Johnsons a couple of weeks ago!

The kitchen during the moving can see the pizzas we had for supper!
Here are my nieces, Mackenzie and Taylor. We were setting up Nana's pantry!

New pics

In case you were wondering I finally cleaned a bunch of pictures off my digital camera, and I thought I'd share some images from my life with all you people in the blogosphere! Here is an adorable picture I took of AbiLyn on Father's Day! She was wearing a new dress that was absolutely FABULOUS!

She's saying "cheese!"

Tuesday, July 3

"When in the course of human events..."

I know I won't be blogging tomorrow, so I'm posting this early. We're headed to the lake early in the morning and won't be home until late in the evening. In case you've never read it, give the Declaration of Independence a read. Pretty gutsy stuff these men were signing their names to.

That's what has always impressed me the most. By signing their names to this document these men were basically committing treason against the king of England...a crime punishable by death. I'm so thankful for the life I enjoy and the freedoms I possess all because of this stunning act of bravery, both theirs and everyone who fought for America's independence! Happy Fourth of July!