Thursday, July 12

Don't read if feet gross you out!

When I was small my dad worked in a shoe store on the square in Murfreesboro. They sold very nice shoes, and it was the kind of place where they measured your foot for you and the salespeople would actually put the shoes on your feet. A far cry from the way I buy most of my shoes now...digging through boxes at Off Broadway or hopping like a flamingo in the aisles of Marti and Liz. Anyway, because of his shoe expertise, Dad was always concerned that my sisters and I had quality shoes that fit, no matter how much we protested. When the jelly shoe craze hit the first time...none for us. We were wearing Buster Brown sandals, thankyouverymuch. Well, I love shoes, and sometimes make shoe decisions that my dad heartily disapproves of. Well, Dad, I think I learned my lesson, at least for the next few days.

Yesterday I wore my adorable red peep toe flats. The day before that I wore these amazing linen espadrilles. Both bad for my feet because they tend to rub blisters on the back of my heel. Today I made what I thought was a sensible shoe pumps with a modest heel (2" at the most). What I didn't realize was that they would rub the blisters that have formed over the past two days. I was walking, well practically limping to the restroom a minute ago, and thought I felt one of the blisters pop. No, it wasn't blister goo in my was BLOOD...seriously, I had to wipe off my heel with a paper towel! So, now the back of my left heel has a huge band aid on it because my heel looks like ground beef. Eew! But, it feels so much better with a band-aid on it.

Tomorrow I'll definitely be in my sensible, earthy Birkenstocks...yay!


Anonymous said...

My dad was the same way when we were growing up, no penny loafers for me, I had to wear saddle oxfords! So I think of my dad whenever I wear a pair of shoes that kill my feet!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how we sometimes choose not to learn from the wisdom of others, or the pain of our own mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I've been tempted to buy some jellies just so I could say I had some... but seriously, I don't think I could buy plastic shoes at this point in my life...
Love you!