Friday, July 13

Bend it like who?

I think this is the first sports-related post in the history of Meddlesome Musings, but here goes!

In case you didn't know, David Beckham, probably the most famous athlete in the world, is moving to L.A. and has signed with L.A.'s MLS team the Galaxy. Will his arrival in America change our stubborn attitude about soccer? Click here.

Also, here's a commercial airing on ESPN...pretty funny. If you can't get it to play, click anywhere on the image and it will take you directly to YouTube, and you should be able to watch it there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love soccer at my house, and look forward to the World Cup every 4 years. But, quite honestly I didn't know the L.A. Galaxy team even existed.

I hope Becks won't be too disappointed that he is now a small fish in a big pond, celebrity-wise. He may have been all the rage in England, but then they have so few thing they can really boast about .. Dentistry - I don't think so .. Live Stock - didn't they start that mad cow business? .. English cuisine - not sure I want to eat something called Toad In The Hole... though we must give them major points for their literature!

But in L.A. there are so many things for our culture's vapid minds to cling to .. Paris, Lindsay, et all, I think Posh & Becks may have seen their 15 minutes of fame. I could be wrong, though... I thought the reality show craze would have burned out long ago, and now we have “So You Think You Are Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” … now that's riveting television! On second thought, maybe the Beckam's still have a few good E! interviews left in them.