Tuesday, January 6

Refreshing Start to the New Year

Here's how I spent my New Year...

I went to the lake with family. David was walking the picket line from midnight to 4, so it was our first New Year's to not ring in the New Year with a kiss since we've been together. Pretty sad, but I did something on New Year's Day that totally yanked me out of my doldrums.

Me, Dad, Liz, and Brian went down to the lake and did a Polar Bear Plunge. Basically, this is where you run or jump into freezing cold water on the first day of the year. It's supposed to symbolize an energized new start to the year I guess. What it symbolized to me was panic...I totally panicked. I almost started crying when I was neck deep in water. I managed to make it out and everything was fine. Everyone else did it AGAIN, so I could document it with pictures. I won't subject you to those photos, but trust me they're priceless.

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOVE it!

I'm sorry you and David didn't get to spend New Years together, but I love the polar bear plunge. I bet it was hilarious. :o)