Tuesday, June 24

No lemon seeds

I don't blog on here much just about my husband, but let me share one of his quirks. He loves to drink sweet tea, and he loves lemon in his tea, but he despises sucking lemon seeds up into his straw. Whenever he gets tea he has to take out the lemon wedges and dig all the seeds out of the lemon before he squeezes it into his tea. Normally, when the lemon is on the edge of the glass it doesn't matter, but on Saturday we ate lunch at McAlister's, and they put the lemon in the glass before they fill it with sweet tea, so he had to fish it out. It was quite a sight.

This is just one of the many quirks that makes him him, and I love him so much for stuff like this that provide me with many head-shaking, smiling moments!


Anonymous said...

Thats my son for ya!I'm sure you've seen him fishing onions out of his food!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Gotta love dear ole Dave. I'm that way with onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes in food - gotta fish 'em out. Thanks for sharing.