Monday, January 28

One Last Thing

If any of my readers are Jane Austen fans you may already be aware of this, but some of you may not.

PBS is in the middle of a 10-week celebration of Jane Austen. Every Sunday night (last night was the third) for ten weeks they're showing movies of the complete works of Jane Austen as well as a new biographical movie of her life. They've already shown Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park. Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were very good. Mansfield Park, not so much. Anyway, set your VCRs because the next four weeks should be the best. Next week is the biopic of her life, and the next 3 weeks after that will be the original BBC version of Pride & Prejudice with the delightful, pond-diving Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

I should also warn that these are not the commercialized movies you may have already seen. Some of them are new, and all of them are put out by the BBC. Emma, for example, stars the lovely Kate Beckinsale, years before she was a nurse stationed at Pearl Harbor.

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