Sunday, October 28

Pictures explained

I finally got a bunch of pictures uploaded this weekend. Here's a few images from my life the past few weeks.

Let me preface this first group of pictures by saying that there are lots of women in my mom's family (granny june, my three aunts, five granddaughters, one granddaughter-in-law and her daughter), and we are all very close! After sequestering away at almost every family get-together and leaving the men to watch a football game or something, we finally decided why don't we just have a girls-only get together (no kids, no guys). We started it last year, and it was a rousing success! So, on the last weekend in September all the women in my mom's family gathered at the Normandy Lake house for the 2nd annual York Women's Sleepover. We stayed up very late Friday night talking and snacking. Saturday morning we slept in, ate breakfast, and then went down to the lake for a chilly swim. Saturday afternoon we had a great potluck dinner! It was so much fun. I'm really glad we started doing this, and I'm already looking forward to next year.

Lex was the only boy who got to be there. This was the first time he met his great aunts and cousins, so someone was holding him the entire time!

On my way home from the sleepover I saw it! The car I thought didn't exist. A pink classic Mustang. I had to take a picture.

On October 4th AbiLyn turned three years old! I can't believe it. She's getting so big. She had a princess birthday cake, and her friends and family came to help her celebrate.

Here's Lex at the party wearing his farmboy shirt!

October 7 was Lex's dedication. He looked so beautiful even though there was a bit of controversy over a boy in a gown. (FYI: I was on the side of him wearing the gown. It was a boy's gown, and after all it's tradition.) Oh, if you're not familiar with the practice of baby dedication, click here. In the first picture that's five generations on Liz's side...Grandaddy and Mom Glenda, Mama Dugan, Dad and Mom, Liz, and Lex (pastor's holding him).

(These are the people who were anti-gown.)

My birthday was October 15, and David got me the most beautiful flowers. For some reason I can't get the picture to turn and save that way, but you get the idea.

On October 17 we went to Walking with Dinosaurs with Mackenzie and Taylor. It was amazing. Life-size dinosaurs. These pictures don't really do it justice...awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of the family events. I especially loved the ones of Lex's dedication. I have to agree with the gown group, even for a boy - it's tradition! IMO at that age it's not going to scar the male child for life, and it makes all the women happy. It's a win-win. Did you take more pictures of the Dinosaur show? I heard about it - seemed pretty neat. Sounds like you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing the photos.