Wednesday, November 14

I'm laughing as I post this

I've long felt sorry for the unfortunate non-students who live in the vicinity of MTSU in our town. Most of them are elderly people who have lived in their homes for many years. They may be surrounded on three sides, however, by houses that have been made into apartments for college students, but they don't want to move because why should they be run out of their home by a bunch of partying whippersnappers! I really don't know whose side to be on in this story. I can see the neighbors' point about the sofas looking trashy, but I can also see the residents' point about having the freedom to put whatever you want on your front porch. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I can understand both sides, but it's becoming very normal to have restrictions about the outside of your home in most neighborhoods... why shouldn't it be that way in our very own historic district? It will improve the value of the homes if it is well kept. Even if the students disagree with it at first, in the long run, it will help them. So, I'm for the ban. :)


Michele said...

Well said, Liz.