Friday, April 18


Well, it's been a year since I started blogging. I wanted to do a big one-year anniversary post, but the date just blew right by and I missed it. So, this month marks a year that I've been blogging. It's gone by very fast.

I've not been posting much because things are kind of stressful right now. We're trying to sell my truck, sell the jet-ski, and get some things straightened out. So, for the time being that's all I can think about. I can't really get excited enough about anything to post on here. Sorry to put up such a dark post, but when things are quiet on here that's usually why...quietness=darkness.

So, I covet everyone's prayers and hope that someone out there really wants a blue 2002 Land Rover Discovery with 115,000 miles on it because I CANNOT CONTINUE TO PUT GAS IN THAT THING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John 16:33-my favorite scripture. I don't know why but it always calms me down when I feel upset or anxious. I hope it does the same for you. I LOVE YOU SIS!!!!