Monday, August 20

Long time, no blog

If anyone's been checking the blog, I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while!

My ten-year high school reunion was this weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't take but one picture. It was really fun, though! We had dinner together on Friday night and then went to the YMCA on Saturday where all the kids could play on the indoor playplace because it was HOT!!! I took AbiLyn with me and she had a great time! It was great to see everyone!

Saturday afternoon AbiLyn and I came back to my house and went swimming! Lesson learned: an asphalt parking lot that has been baking in the sun all day will burn your feet (mine, not AbiLyn's fortunately). I was carrying her back to the car and had to start running. She thought it was hilarious, but I was about to start crying! My feet had huge blisters on them, and David had to rub first-aid ointment all over them. They feel better now, though.

On a sad note, we had a reception after church last night to say farewell to our Associate Pastor and his family: Roy, Carla, Mia, and Ava Duke. The Dukes came to our church 12 years ago to youth pastor. You will all be sorely missed, but we know that God has great things in store for you!

Also, a thought prompted from last night: if I went into Sam's and bought a white cake/white buttercream icing birthday cake for no special occasion would that be weird? I love them so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna post again :-) I have been checking each day. Glad you had a good time at your reunion. I didn't ask Chris, but he probably didn't come, did he? Oh well, I can't talk - I didn't go to my reunions either, but I graduated with about 350 others, and I only keep in touch with a couple of them. Wow, that brings back some memories. I agree about the Dukes - sad to see them leave, but I knew we couldn't hold onto them forever. God has great things in store for them. Thanks for the post.