Friday, August 31

Ten Years Ago Today

I always loved fairy tales as a girl, and Princess Diana was a real-life beautiful princess (even though she didn't exactly get the happy ending part), so like most girls I was always so intrigued by her.

Labor Day weekend of 1997 I was at Granny June's house. I was a freshman in college, and I had driven down to her house by myself for the long weekend. When I got there I called home to let mom and dad know I had arrived, and they asked me if I had heard that Princess Di had been in a bad car accident. Well, for the rest of the night Granny June and I were piled up on her bed watching the news together. It was so sad, and then when I thought of her boys it became even sadder. I had never seen that much news coverage of something (this was before 9/11, remember). I think I even have a VHS tape somewhere of her funeral.

Anyway, that was one of the first times in my life that I knew I would look back and say, "I remember what I was doing when that happened."

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