Sunday, July 27

Holy Grail

I feel like I have found the Holy Grail. I've been in search of decent bobby pins for my hair for a while. Part of the problem is that hair doodad companies have now become so cheap and flimsy (also spoons and forks at fast-food places, but that's another post). Anyway, I've tried every kind of large bobby pin available at drugstores, target, etc. A couple of weeks ago I was in Sally Beauty Supply and lo and behold they had large bobby a big plastic jar of them, and they looked very sturdy. They have proven to be excellent bobby pins, so I'm just spreading the word. Buy them up, I guess, but I think they'll hold up for a while.

1 comment:

Liz said...

(Hello! Nice to "meet" you!)

My favorite bobby pins are the Scuncci (sp?) from K-Mart. They have these orange plastic tips on them that never NEVER come off. I bought a bunch several years ago and am only replacing them now because people keep STEALING them. :)