Tuesday, October 14


I got a job...2 jobs actually. I got a full-time day job in MURFREESBORO! I started yesterday and it's going to be great. I also got a part-time job working for Party City through the first week of November. I start there tonight...Happy Halloween!

In other news...I think my beautiful Land Rover Discovery that I love so much may be dead forever. Thankfully, we can manage with just one vehicle right now. We're going green! HaHa!

I have pictures from this weekend, and I'll get them up sometime. Don't expect too much posting in the next few days, though!


Amy said...


I'm sorry to hear about your car, but it's wonderful that you won't have to drive all the way into Nashville for work. :o)

Taz said...

Wow, Congratulations!! I am really happy for you. And you won't have to drive all the way to nashville without me!! sorry we couldn't meet before I left, when I got your message but i was already at the airport.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Regina mentioned she saw you at Sonic with Sarah. I'm glad that Lord answered the prayer about a job for you, and it's in M'boro! That's a blessing. Sounds like a lot of new things for you to learn for a while. Life is never dull, huh? Stay blessed.