Thursday, October 2

Another Thursday

It's been a week since I posted, and what a week.

We had the 3rd annual York Ladies' Sleepover at the lake last weekend, and I'll get some pictures of it up soon. It was a wonderful time.

Saturday David's union voted to strike. I haven't posted this news because I'm very conflicted about the whole union thing. That is one of maybe two things that David and I cannot discuss at length because we'll get into a fight, so I knew I didn't want to rant about it. He very rarely reads here, but I still don't want to rant about it. Anyway, so now we are both without full-time jobs. That has got to change soon. He may be out of work for months, so I've GOT to find something. Hopefully this week or next. At least I'm working two days a week at the publishing house, so I have a reason to get out of the house. He walked the picket line last night from midnight to 4 am, but until then he hadn't really been out since Sunday. Depressing, I know. you know why there have been no updates. Pretty dark days here.

Hope I didn't bring everyone down too much. I'll post later today with fun cheeriness and anecdotes from our girls' weekend.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I keep wanting to call you in the evenings after work, but I usually don't get to it until after dinner and then I'm I afraid I might wake you guys up if I call. :o/ I think about you a lotIf you need to talk sometime, please don't hesitate to call me. :o) You know when I get off work. *hugs*