Wednesday, March 11

They Say Confession is Good for the Soul

Tonight I picked up AbiLyn and Lex from daycare and brought them to my house. I fed them supper and got them ready for church, and Eric was going to pick them up on the way to church.

Well, they were playing with these little glass jar/bottle things in the tub. I got AbiLyn out first and was getting her hair combed out and her dressed, etc. Lex was in the tub still playing and carrying on. When I got him out and was getting him dried off and warmed up, David went in the bathroom, and I said what are you looking at? He said, the broken glass in the tub.

OMG...Lex had scraped up his little hands and got a cut on his leg...I feel awful! He wasn't really crying or anything, but I am so upset.

I thought maybe if I put it here, I could quit thinking about how much worse it could have been and get some rest.

Sorry, Lexie-poo. I'm going to come see you on my lunch tomorrow to check on you!
Love, Aunt Michele


Anonymous said...

That's a tough boy for you - he probably thought it was a cool experience, though I understand how bad you feel about it. Those things happen to the best of parents and aunties. I'm sure he'll be fine and so will you.
Thanks for sharing the post.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel so bad -things happen!!! Kids can do things in a split second when you think everything is under control. If it's any consolation he will never remember anything about the experience. Don't beat yourself up he will be ok.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad he didn't cut anything that would put the possibility of future grandchildren in danger! lol he's fine!