Thursday, September 17

I think I just saw Noah float by...

It's very rainy here and has been for 3 days. I love rainy weather, but when I woke up to a gloomy house yet again this morning I must confess, I thought "Really? We're still not done with this?"

Only a couple of random items today. My youngest neighbor has swine flu. Pray for Nick and his family. They have a tough 3-5 days ahead of them.

Here's a link to a cool slide show. This guy builds houses out of salvaged scrap materials. Cool. Click.

And, I had a realization Sunday night. You know you live in a small town when you look around the restaurant you're sitting in before you tell a story about someone, for fear they might be at the next table.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Lol... so true.
About the rain, my laundry is piling up! My dryer doesn't work when it's raining! :)