Monday, April 16

The diving board

“Monday was the diving board poised over the rest of the week. One walked out on the board, reviewed the situation, planned one’s strategy, bounced a few times to get the feel of things, and then made a clean dive. Without Monday, one simply bombed into the water, belly first, and hoped for the best.”
Page 391, At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

Happy Monday to everyone! I hope everyone's weekend was nice. Mine was very quiet as hubby worked on Saturday and Sunday, but I got lots of stuff done and got lots of rest! We also had a fantastic meal at Bonefish Grille on Sunday night. I LOVE their Bang-Bang shrimp. So delish!

One of my errands was the fabric store on Saturday with two of my BFFs. We're taking a sewing class at church, and we bought fabric, patterns, and notions (and some of us learned what notions were...ahem). And wow...sewing scissors! $30...really?!

And, finally, after living in my house for almost three years, I got window treatments for my Master Bedroom. Granted, they're not up yet, but I got all the stuff at Target on Saturday. It's going to look so good. When they're up I'll get a picture posted.

Also, I dropped off three rolls of film to be developed. I'm so lazy about getting pictures developed. That's why we're looking at getting a digital camera. I think there are pictures on one of these rolls of my niece's birthday party last October...early October! However, it will be like a surprise when I go pick them up tonight to see what the pictures are of! I'll probably post some from Easter on here.

Hope everyone has a good week! Hopefully I'll post some more before the week's out!

1 comment:

Mike said...

This is my very first post, or for that matter, read of a blog. I like it. I like that view of Monday. My schedule always seems to be different from everyone else. My weekend starts on Monday, so I get the advantage of starting my week with days off. The only drawback is the week keeps going through Sunday. Dinner was very enjoyable last night.