Saturday, April 18

So Unbelievably Tired

My generous parents declared this year that there would be 2 work days at the in the spring and one in the fall. Today was the spring work day. I can't believe the work we did. All 8 of us plus AbiLyn and Lex were there. We started around 9:30, and we've been going non-stop. I took on the task of pulling weeds in the flowerbeds and clearing out a lot of stuff. I found some stepping stones, and a barrel flowerpot hiding in all the underbrush. My mom and sisters and I made a trip to Lowe's (muddy kneees and all...I can't believe I went out looking like I did.) to get mulch, geraniums, potting mix, and Liz and Carla talked my mom into some gorgeous pink calla lilies for the flower box out front. Liz scrubbed and cleaned all the decks. The guys mowed and weed-eated (weed-eated? weed-ate?) and spread mulch and washed/cleaned the boat. The house looks great! It was so nice to spend almost an entire day outside. My hands are covered with blisters, and I can even feel them as I type. I'm sure I'll be sore tonight, but I feel so good for some reason!

Liz and I were talking about how much more we will appreciate coming here this summer after all the work we did. We are able to know the lake house more intimately now and love it all the more!

Oh, and we have all been coveting one of those inflatable trampolines that float out in the water ever since we started coming here. Well, the next-door neighbors had a yard sale this morning and they had one for sale that they had only used like once. It was only $25. Liz and Carla went in together to buy it! Yay! Memorial Day weekend here we come!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious about the trampoline. Sounds like fun. It was a beautiful weekend to be outside, and you're right, you will appreciate your time there more since you put in some sweat and tears. Hope you guys enjoy!