Saturday, April 25


Okay, no, my blisters from last weekend weren't so bad that I couldn't blog all week. It was just a pretty average week. This weekend isn't so average,'s a little weird.

I'm here by myself this weekend. That's highly unusual. I mean, not for me to be here by myself a little, but all weekend. I don't mind at all. It's just very rare. I gallivant all the time without David, and he's totally supportive. However, he just doesn't possess that gallivanting gene. He usually doesn't have much of a desire to go and run around at all, much less without me. However, he's away this weekend in Maryville, TN with a buddy from work. Totally good guy, and I'm totally supportive of him going. I hope he's having fun.

Mackenzie and Taylor spent the night with me last night, and we had a blast. We ate pizza, made red velvet cupcakes and watched Clueless (something from my generation) and Harry Potter #4 to ogle something from their generation (Robert Pattinson who plays Edward Cullen in Twilight). Today was errands (Martin's Nursery and the dry cleaner), book club, and then the girls and I went to see 17 Again (great movie by the way...LOL'ed a lot and cried a little).

Now, it's just home sweet home and me and Lucy-cat here by ourselves. Interesting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed book club today!!! Wow, a whole weekend to yourself??? That sounds so wonderful!!! I would READ, READ, READ!!! and SLEEP!!!
So glad you blisters finally healed enough to be able to type again! LOL:)