Good Sunday morning!
It's been over a week, but I've had some thoughts mulling around to blog about, so here we go.
This was one of those weeks where I didn't think things would be busy, but they ended up being very busy. David was a little worker bee who went in to work early every single day, so that meant that he was in bed before 8 every night. Well, when you factor in all the running around I do on any given evening that meant we didn't see each other much. I hate when that happens. However, we did go together yesterday to a wellness fair open house at Vought, where he works. For the first time in almost 11 years, I got to see where my significant other goes and toils day after day. It was great. The coolest thing by far were these giant, overhead beam cranes that are on tracks that move up and down a huge building from one end to another to pick up wings and move them from one process to the other. They had a capacity of 2 tons, and it was printed in huge block letters on the side. Really, really cool. Oh, and in the building where the C-130 is built, there is no air conditioning, so there are the largest, scariest looking ceiling fans I've ever seen.
So, also this week I did water aerobics for the first time. My perception of water aerobics was skewed, because this is what my Granny June does to exercise when she's in Florida. I thought it wouldn't be high-impact enough...I was wrong. It's awesome!
Now, what I've been mulling about for a couple of weeks is this: I love living in M'boro where I grew up. I even mention it in my profile, and I don't ever want to move, but it can get weird sometimes. Last Fri. night I took my niece to Movies Under the Stars at the school where I spent the summer for ESP when I was 8 years old. She was running around the lawn and playing on the exact same playground I did. Swinging on the same swings. The pool where we have water aerobics is the exact same pool where my sisters and I took swimming lessons. When I go for my walk, I walk by the high school where I took driver's ed the summer I was 15. It's just a little strange...surreal somehow. People generally move away from the town where they grew up, so they come back to visit and are filled with nostalgia. I face that nostalgia almost every day, and sometimes I'm not sure if it's meant to be that way. It's a little too much to take.