Friday, June 26

Thursday, Friday Morning

Hey! As you'll see from the timestamp, I've stayed up entirely too late doing freelance work. I always procrastinate. Grrr.

It's been a pleasantly normal week. David and I finally got out to see Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian tonight. It was really good! Makes me want to go to DC and spend a month walking through museums.

We're going rafting on the Ocoee this weekend. I'm very excited, but very nervous. David's been several times before, but it's a first for me. I've always had a fear of water, and I'm more than a little leery! I'm going to get my eyebrows done tomorrow on my lunch, but if for some reason I'm unable to (and something happens to me), will one of my girlfriends or sisters please make sure someone plucks them before they put me out for the viewing?

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