Friday, June 5


I don't think I'm remotely bipolar, but if I were, I'd be on the "up" side of things tonight.

It's Friday night. I just got home with my FIXED truck. I'm going to make chocolate chip cookies. I'm taking AbiLyn to Movies under the stars to see Madagascar 2. I have no plans tomorrow except to clean my truck and my house (going to the greenway somewhere in there). The weather is perfect. The windows are open and there's a breeze. The New Moon preview was released today (sorry, only Twilight geeks will know what this means). David's excited about hanging out with friends and singing tonight. One of my sisters got a puppy; the other one is about to. One of my sisters is moving to an absolutely adorable retro house, and I'm so happy for her.

In short, life is good. Thank you, God, that the little things make me happy, and thanks for letting them happen in a clump sometimes!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thanks! I appreciate that! I'm so happy when my fam is happy!