Wednesday, March 19

Living up to the Hype

Am I the only one who often finds the movies that win Best Picture Oscars totally dull and boring (most of the time...there have been some good exceptions)? Books that win the Pulitzer are usually dry. Unfortunately, things that are raved over by critics are often not-so-well received by the public. I'm no different. I want to see a light, fluffy romantic comedy over an artsy, dark drama. I want to read something that will make me laugh...not something that makes me want to roll over in the full bathtub and take a deep breath.

Two instances last year where something that was critically acclaimed actually turned out to be great. One is a movie and one is a book.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner absolutely blew me away. After we read the Sidney Poitier biography for book club I wanted to see this movie. It was amazing. It made me laugh out loud. It made me cry. It was great. If you haven't seen it, watch it!

March by Geraldine Brooks is a book that was inspired by one of my favorite books, Little Women. It was recommended to me by a co-worker and I didn't really have high hopes for it, but it actually surprised me. It was really good! Read it (especially if you love Little Women).

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