Thursday, March 20

Special Moment

Last night was our church's Communion service. We only take Communion once a year, on the Wednesday night before Easter. It's a very somber service, and since we do it so rarely, it feels really special. Another cool thing is that we sing old hymns about the cross. I enjoy modern praise and worship music, but every once in a while the old hymns are comforting. I also tend to find comfort in rituals and sameness, so I think that's why I like the Lord's Supper.

We take Communion as family groups, so that means that I was standing with my sisters, brothers-in-law, Mom, Dad, Granddaddy, Mom Glenda, and Mama (who, at almost 100 years old, walked herself right up front and got her own sacrament, thankyouverymuch). After we were finished the pastor had us sing one more song, and I was standing literally surrounded by my family and we were all singing together. I could hear my dad's strong deep voice, my mom's clear soprano, and, next to me, my Granddaddy singing the high tenor part. It was beautiful, and I teared up. I am so lucky to have my family close by and at church with me every single week, and I'm thankful that I am part of such an amazing group of people that share my faith and have provided me with such a strong heritage.

I love you, my family!


Anonymous said...

Ditto to that about our Communion service, and about our families. It's too easy to take them for granted, as well as taking for granted our Christian heritage. It's good to take time out for a more reverent observance of Easter, as well as hold our families close and dear. I'm sure you can't wait to watch AbiLyn and Lex hunting Easter eggs this weekend. Wow, that's five generations of your family this Easter - that's pretty amazing! Thanks for spending some time on this topic on your blog. Enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I appreciate your entry today. Our church theme for this year is "Generational Succession" & I have been thinking along these lines for several weeks now. Though times are few & far between, I love being in service with my family & hearing our voices come together in worship & prayer. There is nothing like it. I, too, am so thankful for my heritage & pray that I can teach Jacob Aubrey to appreciate it just as much. We are so very blessed.

Anonymous said...

Second only to our faith, family is the most important thing we have. It was a special time. Thank you for wording it so well.

Anonymous said...

You know that means dad was sniffing as he typed. :) ha ha It was a really special service and I had the same thoughts while standing there with all of you!