Saturday, December 6

The Best Things in Life are Free...

My great-grandmother (Mama Dugan) as many of you know is 100 (and a half) years old. Only recently has she been needing someone to sit with her while my grandparents are out. They had a Christmas party to go to last night, so I got to spend the evening with Mama. I wasn't dreading it at all, but I had taken some magazines and a book to read in case things were quiet. Well, they weren't. We talked the entire time they were gone, and oh my goodness the stories I heard. She told me about her first visit to Nashville as a young bride with her new husband. I got to learn about how she ended up meeting a young man from middle Tennessee in the country of Northern Mississippi. She told me stories about my grandmother who passed away when I was five. I learned about revival meetings under brush arbors that her brothers would help to build. It was amazing. I just wish I had had a video camera hidden somewhere, but I'm going to do my best to write down the stories she told me.

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