Thursday, December 25

The Thrill of Hope

Merry Christmas everyone! I promise I will have some good pictures up in the next few days. I am at my parents' house playing on my sister's new laptop. Yesterday ended up being okay. I got a text message during the funeral saying the office was closing at 2:00, so I didn't have to go back to work. David and I went to his parents' together for Christmas Eve, and we came home, put food away, and he went to the picket line. It ended up being a very pleasant evening.

Today was very quiet in the way that Christmas often is for people like us with no children. David slept late, I fixed food for my parents' get-together, and then we ventured out for Christmas with my family. It's been fun, and I'm looking forward to 2009.

I hope everyone had a merry, happy Christmas Day! Now I'm off to play a game with everyone: 90s Edition Trivial Pursuit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas. I take it from the comments about the picket line that things must not have gone well with a resolution to the strike. We'll continue praying. Bro. Jimmy's funeral was a sad twist to the holiday. He was a great man and will be missed. Hope you guys have a Happy New Year.