Wednesday, June 20

Detox Day

Okay, so yesterday I was so stupid. I ate like I was nine years old, and when I finally got home last night I was in serious pain (and eating Tums like they were candy). I guess I'm getting to an age where I can't just eat whatever I want and not pay for it. So, today I'm trying to take it easy.

In case you were curious here's a food rundown of my day yesteday. Breakfast: sausage biscuit, hash rounds, and Diet Coke from Hardee's; Lunch: chicken quesadilla, taco, and Dr. Pepper from Taco Bell and then I drove over to Ben & Jerry's on 21st and got 2 (count 'em, two!) scoops of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream in a waffle cone; Supper: I stopped at Pei Wei on the way to book club at Mom Glenda's and got honey seared shrimp and rice.

On a less gross and more positive club was great last night! It's always so fun to get together and gab, not just about the book but also about life!

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