Thursday, June 7


Entomophobia: abnormal fear of or aversion to insects and similar arthropods, and even other "bugs", such as worms

I really hate creepy, crawly things outside their normal habitat. I can handle them if I'm outside working on the yard or something, but I don't like when I'm inside my house, my car, etc. and see one crawling on me.

Last night I was working nursery at church, sitting in the rocker, holding a fussy little cherub when I looked down and on my sleeve was a little tiny bug. I tried to grab it hopped away. Yep, it was a flea. I never saw another one all night and didn't see any bites on me or any of the babies, but I was sufficiently freaked out.

Then, this morning I was dropping off the dry cleaning, and when I picked up my clothes there was a this creepy water centipede thing on one of my skirts. Well, I did this little shiver, freak out thing and scared the poor dry cleaning lady to death. Anyway, here's a picture of what was on my skirt.

We used to see these things in the bathrooms of our apartment, but we've only seen one or two in the house. This little critter was apparently living in the laundry room because that's where my dry cleaning was. The bad part is I didn't manage to get it out of the car. It scurried into my purse which I inspected when I got to work and didn't find anything, so it's probably still living somewhere in my car. Oh, well, maybe the insufferable heat will kill it while I'm working.

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