Thursday, August 13

The Mysteries of Cat Ownership

As you'll see from the's nearly 9:30. David is settled in for the night, and I was downstairs working on freelance stuff and watching a movie. All of a sudden there is a loud, disturbing commotion in the laundry room...right above where I was watching a movie. Lucy immediately comes tearing down the stairs, hits the hardwood floor, and skids across into the coat closet door before disappearing somewhere in the dark living room. The racket is still going on even after she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

David's now awake...lights are on everywhere. I cautiously go upstairs to see what mess she has created by climbing all over the laundry room shelves.

Nothing. Nothing is out of place. Not one little thing.

What on EARTH made all that noise? It sounded like someone was breaking in the house!

This is the kind of thing that makes people go insane.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

That's funny... cat's are a mystery.