Thursday, October 8

Good Samaritans in Pajamas

Let me just talk for a minute about my "baby" sister...Carla. She may be the absolute sweetest person I know. I attribute a lot of her sweetness to the fact that she is the loved and adored baby of our family. I, and I'm pretty sure my other sister Liz, have always felt the need to look out for her, take care of her, and pretty much make her life easy in whatever way we can. She is one of those people that you can't help but want good things for.

I still am more than willing to come to her aid whenever she needs it (which can be often). So, last night, she calls saying she needs to put some air in her tire, but she doesn't know how. Could I please meet her at the Shell station by the church (which is about 1 mile from my house)? David and I (in our pj's, mind you) load up and drive down there, so he can put air in her tire (BTW, I am so glad we did because there was some creepy guy that pulled up beside her just before we did that was hovering around like he was going to try to "help." He put money in the pay phone but never talked to anyone...weird.) So we got her all set and were getting back in our car when a lady pulled up and asked for directions. It was strange. Here we were in our pajamas, and we managed to help two people. Strange but sort of nice.


Lizzy said...

Ah, Carla... Only she could be a 25 year old that can't put air in her tire and not be hated for it!

Anonymous said...

Aww.....I love you guys! Just so your readers know my hubby would normally do that stuff for me but he was out of town. I don't know what I would do without all of my rescuers!
Carla :)