Thursday, October 22

My, My, How Things Have Changed

Do you remember when you were a little kid and you had something on the weekend you were looking forward to? For me, it was always a slumber party. For the boys, well, I don't know what little boys get excited about...digging in the mud looking for worms? Anyway, that week was the longest week in creation. Every day seemed to drag by, and Friday, well, it was the worst day of all. By lunchtime you were wound so tightly that sitting still was an absolutely impossibility.

As we aged to the tween years, it was a youth rally or party or sleepover. In junior high, my best friend Chassidy and I would pass notes to each other in the hall between classes. In almost every single one there was a comment about that weekend's youth event and how we couldn't wait.

In high school I would get myself so worked up over travelling to basketball/soccer tournaments or cheerleading camp that I would literally be sick to my stomach the morning of leaving.

Today, I'm beside myself with excitement. Seriously, I'm looking at my clock every two minutes, twirling my hair, crossing and uncrossing my legs, etc. Want to know why?

Tonight, I'm going straight home, as is David. We're putting on jammies and having chili for supper. We'll probably watch an episode of Studio 60 on DVD (birthday present from Carla), go to bed and read a chapter in Eclipse, and be asleep by 9.


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