Wednesday, October 7


Yesterday I was going on about 4 hours of sleep, so I chose to wear my glasses all day rather than put my contacts in. Well, last night when David and I were getting ready for bed I, without thinking, dumped the contents of my contact case into the sink just like I do every night, so I can clean it and refill it with fresh contact solution. I was talking to David and not really paying attention to what I was doing, so when I looked down in my sink I said "Why are there contacts in my sink? Did you throw out a pair?"

In that moment I looked in the mirror and saw that I still had my glasses on and remembered that I never took my contacts out of the case yesterday. Those were my contacts that I just dumped in the sink.

It's so funny the things we do on autopilot.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

That is funny! lol