Friday, October 30

Trying Something New

I grew up in a family that used fine china. We didn't use it for every meal, but it didn't take much for an occasion to be considered special enought to break out my Mom's beautiful wedding china. So, naturally, when I got married it was very important to me to choose a beautiful china pattern, and I actually wanted people to by me my china for gifts. I was not one of those brides who said, "No, I'd rather have something practical like a mop." I can buy a mop with my own money. I probably wouldn't ever spend money on nice dishes if I didn't get them as a gift.

I was adamant about the fact that we would use our china. Well, we haven't. I even have plenty of it, so I've decided that David and I are going to try something new. At least once a week we're going to eat in our nice, beautiful dining room off our lovely wedding china. I already set the table for us in the kitchen for supper nearly every night. This will just be a different location and different dishes. I won't be able to stick these dishes in the dishwasher, but it's only two of should be no problem to handwash the few pieces we'll get dirty.

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