Tuesday, December 11

Library Love

Obviously I love to read, so I also love the library. It's a truly wonderful institution. I mean, I love bookstores too, but there's always the nagging thought of "Oh, this book is sort of pricey. Maybe if I put this one back, I can get that one. Which one do I just have to have?"

At the library there's none of that. They say, "Here is a building we built just for books for you to read." You say, "Okay, how much does it cost to be a member of this wonderful club." They say, "It's free. Just fill out this form, and we will give you a little card that lets you check out as many books as you like. Please just bring them back in a couple of weeks or we will charge you a staggering fine of 10 cents a day."

My mom always took us to the library when we were young, more in the summer when we were out of school, but we knew our way around that children's department in the basement of the old Linebaugh Library like the back of our hand. Our town's library has changed quite a bit. It's in a newer, more modern building. There are computers you can use. There are even movies to rent. I still love the wonderful feeling I get when I come in the door. I even start to get excited when I'm riding the elevator up from the parking garage.

I also enjoy running into people, and I always seem to at the library. That is one of the many wonderful things about Murfreesboro. Last night I ran into the Becketts. Regina is a good friend of mine who is in our book club, and her little girl is AbiLyn's age. It's always so comforting to walk through the door and see friends unexpectedly. Like, "Hey I'm not just out in this world by myself. There are other people like me: living life and running errands and checking out books."


Anonymous said...

I totally agree on the library visits. I always enjoyed them growing up, and Regina takes our kids regularly to the library and they love it, too. Such a simple and free thing to do that adds so much to our intellect. I know I can always count on you to be a promoter of literacy.

Anonymous said...

We love the Library!!!! We think it is one of the most wonderful places! Danaeyn has been able to recognize the building since she was about 18 months old. I love that I have a stimulating yet "frugal" place I can take my children and I don't mind it so bad myself!!! :)
I remember one of the greatest summer thrills of childhood was when Mom would turn up the little side street where our little library in Tullahoma lived. The maximum number of books that you could get in the "Children's Dept." was 10 - my brother and I would get the max, take them home, devour them and then trade stacks. Usually by supper time we were begging Mom to take us back to the library. I think she was always grateful when school started back - not to get rid of us but to have somewhere else we could get books to read!!! It was her own fault though :) she instilled in us a love for reading and books earlier than I can even remember.
It is also so true that it is wonderful to see friends and people you know at the library - it makes the world seem smaller and a little cozier place to live!!!