Tuesday, December 4

Why I Don't Go to Wal-Mart

I know there are lots of people that have deep, philosophical, political reasons why they don't shop at Wal-Mart. I live in the South, so there aren't many of those people around here, and I don't even think those reasons (wages, benefits, gender disparity, forcing mom-and-pop places out of business, etc.) are why I don't shop there. Let me just tell you a story about last night.

I needed to make a grocery store run, a big one. We had depleted our supplies of just snacking, munchy-type food, plus I needed to get supper supplies for the week. Well, I normally do the shopping alone, but I wanted David to come with me because I knew it would be more fun. I wasn't going to make a list; we were just going to meander every aisle and stock up. I also needed some non-food items, but David suggested that instead of driving across town to Target (I normally shop for non-food things at Target and food at the Kroger right by my house), why didn't we just go to Wal-Mart, and get everything there. I've not been in a Wal-Mart in well over a year, but he insisted it would be fine.

Since we were going to be in there a while, we decided to get something to drink from the McDonald's right inside the door. Well, the woman ordering had two or three unruly kids that she couldn't control and was taking forever to order for her brood, not realizing she was inconveniencing the entire McDonald's. We gave up. Our moods began to deteriorate. Then we entered the Wal-Mart proper. Screaming babies, people blocking the entire large Wal-Mart aisles, walking forever to find what you need, oh and did I mention screaming babies. We got our non-food stuff and decided to finish the shopping at Kroger. Well, we had under 20 items, but there were some (what's the PC way to say this?) non-English speakers with about 50 items trying to pay and cluelessly blocking the way to the other express lanes. I'm serious they acted like they didn't have a care in the world, while people were backing up behind them and fuming!

That's pretty much how every Wal-Mart experience I've had in my adult life has gone. Even David, the former Wal-Mart employee who normally sings their praises, was ready to not return for another year.

I'll stick with Target. It's quieter, shoppers smile and greet each other, people are considerate, and it's just an all-around fun experience to go there (most of the time).

Thanks for letting me rant.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! I avoid Walmart like the plague!!! If I HAVE to go I try to go the one in Tullahoma when we are there (much nicer employees)or after 10pm at night - it's not much better then because then you have to fight the night stockers and their pallets (they seem to take it as a personal affront that people come to Walmart at night). I'll go to Dollar General before I'll go to Walmart!!!!! Rant on Sister!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

You guys are being way too hard on WalMart. You do have to go in with a certain mindset and be prepared to expect anything, some unpleasant. But it's almost a necessary evil if you want to go to one place where you can get just about anything you want or need without paying out the nose. It's a very convenient one-stop shopping venue. I do like Target, too, but you can't get everything there at the best price. I guess it's all in the way you prepare your mind for the shopping experience. It's funny to hear these stories from different folks.

Anonymous said...

I totally get what you're saying, but if you go in planning to "people-watch" it's not quite as bad... you do have to have your sense of humor out and ready when you walk in the door, otherwise you want to poke yourself in the eye w/ a pencil by the time you're done!
I do appreciate only having to drag 1 or both of my kids in and out of 1 store instead of 2! It's nice to get everything at one time and to get the cheapest prices.